Waxes and Lubrication
Wax is very good external lubricant for PVC. When wax use in PVC application, final produce face has been shining. PE wax using decrease the friction so increase the extrusion capacity. wax using doesn't change the product color because wax has got good oxidation resistance. wax doesn't bad effect product's heat and light stability because wax doesn't include catalizors remnant. wax increase last product's light stability.
Wax is very good external lubricant for PVC. When wax use in PVC application, final produce face has been shining. PE wax using decrease the friction so increase the extrusion capacity. wax using doesn't change the product color because wax has got good oxidation resistance. wax doesn't bad effect product's heat and light stability because wax doesn't include catalizors remnant. wax increase last product's light stability.